Congratulations to the Varsity Boys baseball team on their victory over Brimmer yesterday! This is the second year in a row that the boys have won the league championship.

The Varsity Boys Baseball Team has won the 2024 MBIL Championship! In order to do so, we needed to get past CSW in the Semi-final (5-2) and Brimmer in the Final (14-12). In the final against Brimmer, we went down 8-2 after 4 innings. But after scoring 10 runs in the 5th inning, we took a lead that we wouldn’t relinquish. Many players contributed to the final victory, with sophomore Miles Decosimo and senior Josh Smith pitched. And multiple batters were able to get on base and score. And in the final play of the game, junior JJ Palmarin caught a line drive to second, tossing the ball to sophomore Luca Wyatt at second base to secure the double play ending the game in one fell swoop. Congratulations to our BTA Lions!


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