Musical Arts

Boston Trinity Academy’s music program acknowledges that every student is musical and strives to nurture every student’s musicality.


Our desire is to provide a well-rounded music education that promotes music as an art and as an academic discipline. In addition to exposing students to a diverse array of excellent music from around the world, we strive to enable all students to sing joyfully, perform confidently, listen intelligently, express themselves creatively, and investigate curiously.


Middle School Music


The middle school program aims to give students a thorough grounding in musical basics, in order that all students can express themselves musically


Upper School Music


In the Upper School, we offer three optional programs: Upper School Choir, Chamber Ensemble, and Jazz Band. We also have an excellent Madrigal Choir as a student run club. This year we’ve added Voice and Collaborative Piano to our offerings with Dr. Sarah Broomell.

Musical Arts Faculty

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Sarah Broomell

Choir Director, Faculty

Kirstin Peltz

Director of Music, Events Coordinator

Artis Street

Teaching Fellow, International Boarding Assistant, Athletics Assistant